Meanwhile in the Subway
If you missed it last time, we’re restocking Côme Martin’s modular sensation Meanwhile, in the Subway on sale at 15% off for a limited time! GMs can use its system to run 3-5 players through a 2-hour one-shot or a campaign, and the module doubles as a setting extension module for games like Troika! or Electric Bastionland. Its hundreds of stations are character and adventure seed generators, it’s a trip. And the game is all printed on a double-sided, 60x90cm, 3 cross-fold, 8 zigzag-fold metro map designed by Nicolas Folliot. Check this out:
Alongside this game, The Lost Bay Studio is also popping two other Côme Martin games on a 15% off sale:
Feathered Adventures, a 132pg game with GMless rules and all the action, humor and charm of Saturday morning cartoons like Ducktales or
PicsouScrooge McDuck comics.Broken Cities, an 88pg GMless game for 2-5 players using a deck of playing cards. In these surreal one-shots, create the city together play an asymmetric conflict between Travelers and City.
Podcast: interview with Côme Martin
Today, The Lost Bay Podcast takes you on a subway trip in Paris to talk with Côme Martin, designer of Meanwhile, in the Subway. Côme is a unique designer with a taste for playful and unexpected game design. In this episode we talk about the French indie RPG scene, how designing and playing in France/French is different than doing it for the international English speaking audience, a 24-hour gaming session, and the sweet nostalgia hidden in Côme’s games.
Caution: Two Frenchies speaking, may contain traces of French accent, ;)
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Inside the bay
D&D&D, or Dungeon Dice Drop Generator.
I'm always late for game night. No matter what I do to stretch the day, it won't last more than twenty-four hours, and I'll end up devouring leftovers before the 8:30 pm Wednesday game: I barely have time to prep. This is why I like quick, lightweight procedures to pull from under the GM's hat and plug into the live game. When it comes to dungeons, I mostly improv them. Usually, I draw maps from real-life places that I know well. That way, I can fill the dungeons with details: a painting on the wall, a water leak, a hidden stair. I primarily run modern setting games, which makes this process particularly easy. UNIT DH-17 dungeon is identical to the house where I grew up as a teen.
Actually, most of my dungeons are. The unplanned consequence of that improv autobio trick is that my dungeons tend to look all the same.
I need a quick (small) dungeon generator, and I might have found one: the 3D, D&D&D, or Dungeon Dice Generator.
Before getting into details, here's the brief:
6 rooms max: I don't need large dungeons
one roll only: needs to be quick, under two minutes
agnostic: should work for any setting/system
lightweight: read the mechanics once, remember them forever
We'll roll exclusively d6s, and use the dice as the outline of the dungeon floorplan.
Here's the procedure:
roll your dice
pull them close to draw a map
doubles, triples, etc: larger rooms
even-even, or odd-odd: doors
even-odd: locked door or secret passage
Lowest die: dungeon entrance
3: Trap
4: Encounter (optional)
6: Treasure
Highest die: Boss
That's it, you got your map, in 70 seconds max.
The Highest die boss is a super clever modification of the original procedure suggested by Mr Hitchhiker Dave.
The procedure is so simple that it calls for on-the-fly adjustments: too many doors, ditch one. No trap, add one.
Visions of the bay
As we're all sharpening our design brains in The Lost Bay server/community for the upcoming All Flesh is Surplus spooky month themed jam I've started putting together a list of accessible art resources. Some of them are originally intended for fantasy games, but a skull is a skull, and can work in any setting.
Art packs on itch
Cursed Art Pack by Francisco Lemos
Faces 001 by Jean Verne (photographic assets)
Weird horror art pack by Roque Romero (2 packs)
Old school revisited by Roque Romero
Chao's art pack by Brandon Yu
For just one or a few bucks get access to art libraries from acclaimed designers/illustrators.
Amanda Lee Franck
Perplexing Ruins
That’s all we got for you today.
I gotta go back to writing solo procedures for The Lost Bay rpg.
Have a great Sunday/week.
Iko, Chris Airiau.
Can’t wait to to check the interview, I love Come’s games!