Prepare To Be Scared in a Fun Way
Hey folks! The FEAR BUNDLE is live. Pre-orders are open on The Lost Bay Studio store, and the bundle is 20% OFF during the first 48 hours (after that, 15% OFF until the end of pre-orders).
What Is the Fear Bundle?
A collection of horror indie tabletop RPG supplements from some of the most creative designers, both veterans and first-time authors. We’re talking about 11 supplements packaged in a beautiful black folder. The bundle’s modular structure allows you to build your own gaming experience and play for weeks with your group or solo. Survive in a city ravaged by kaijus, run for your life in a zombie-infested world, fight your way out of corporate horror or overcome a suburban nightmare. These, and many more horrific adventures wait for you in the Fear Bundle!
Bundle Contents:
Metroskate Bloodbath, roller-skating chaos, pamphlet
Sodastone, music horror adventure, gatefold pamphlet
Unit DH-17, suburban horror minidungeon, A5 mini-zine
The Vanished, corporate horror dungeon, A3 foldable map/dungeon
Liminal Colossus, kaiju-infested setting, A5 concertina
Inventory Card System, A5 cards and character sheets
Click Clack + Gushing Graveler, wicked NPCs, card
The True Church, evil cult generator, A5 leaflet
It adapts to your breathing, doppelgänger horror adventure, pamphlet
Breathless, zombie survival rules-lite game, bifold
Exclusion Zone Botanist, vegetal horror solo drawing game, pamphlet
Liminal Horror, contemporary cosmic horror game, PDF only
The bundle features a mix of system-neutral and Liminal Horror supplements, and it’s packaged in a beautiful, black stock folder illustrated by Evangeline Gallagher. All zines and supplements come with a complimentary PDF copy plus a Liminal Horror PDF and a UNIT DH-17 conversion to LH.
We ship worldwide, and to facilitate shipping we absorb up to 30% of shipping fees.
Full Designer Team
Alfred Valley - Exeunt Press - Goblin Archives - IKO - Josh Domanski - Logan Dean - Mynar Lenahan - PP Renaud - René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas - STATIONS - Zach Hazard Vaupen
Full contents here
Supporting Designers
The Fear Bundle features both seasoned designers like Alfred Valley (Thousand Empty Light, Lay on Hands), Goblin Archives (Liminal Horror, The Bureau, The Mall), Logan Dean (The Company), Josh Domanski (The Bureau, The Mall), and first-time published designers: Pierre-Philippe Renaud, the STATIONS, Mynar Lenahan, and Exeunt Press. That choice is at the core of our editorial slant. The bundles allow us to do cool and fun RPG experiments, and they’re a fantastic opportunity to support emerging talents.
This is our third bundle since we opened in October 2022. For 2023, we have at least four more bundles planned, plus we’re scheming more cool and unexpected TTRPG stuff.